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来源:本站原创    作者:开艺设计    文章点击数:1803    发布时间:2007年12月25日

Shanghai Phenomenon
――From Architectural Studios to Architectural Firms
史 巍 SHI Wei

摘 要 本文关注的是转型期里上海的一些新兴建筑设计公司。首先,阐述了它们的生存与发展前提,其中包括国家政策、市场需求及上海特有的历史文化与经济条件等几方面因素;其次,通过对一系列采访数据的比较,列举了它们在经营中的十个现象并逐一分析,主要涉及1、公司规模、运作方式与市场定位,2、设计资质与专业间合作,3、设计收费与服务,4、项目来源及实施,5、公司人员构成等五个方面;再次,提到如何提升优秀建筑设计公司的知名度。文末,展望并期待建筑界走向“中国设计”。
This paper focuses on some architectural firms founded in Shanghai during the transitional period of when the Chinese economy changed from planned to market–oriented economy. Firstly, the paper describes prerequisites for the existence and development of the firms which embodying several factors such as changes of policy, growth of market, together with the historical, cultural and economic advantages specific to Shanghai. Secondly, the paper elaborates on 10 phenomena by analyzing the first hand data obtained from survey, covering: (1) size of company, mode of operation, market positioning, (2) design qualification and cooperation among professions, (3) fee and professional service,(4) source of projects and projects implementation (5) structure & organization of company. Thirdly, the paper discusses how to promote the public image of the outstanding design firms.
At the end of the paper, it introduces the notion of “Designed in China”.

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